Ulysses syndrome
The hero of ancient Greek mythology Ulysses
Immigrant Syndrome is a reaction to the stress
associated with moving to another country and all
its consequences: from parting with loved ones to the
difficulty of integrating into a new environment
Dr. Joseba Achotegui from the Universitat de Barcelona coined the term "Ulysses Syndrome" in 2002
Оr alternatively Odysseus, was compelled to leave
his native Ithaca and wandered the seas, lands,
and the realm of the dead for ten years. However,
he spent days crying and longing for his homeland.
Dr. Joseba Achotegui
Among the symptoms of the syndrome
Among the symptoms of the syndrome
If after emigrating you have such
thoughts, it may be
Ulysses syndrome
Ulysses syndrome
Ulysses syndrome
Ulysses syndrome
Ulysses syndrome
"Everything here is just awful; I will never get used
to life in this country."
"I don't belong here."
"I need to learn the language, find a job, settle
down, but I have no energy for anything."
"I shouldn't have moved here."
you have
"We are outsiders here and will never become
a part of it. We have a different mentality
and culture."
Why does it occur?
Difficulties with adaptation in a new country
Difficulties with adaptation
The mental state of an immigrant worsens because they
often find themselves in complete isolation and are
disconnected from society. Sometimes newcomers are not
arrived earlier. Loneliness and detachment from
accepted, not only by locals but also by migrants who
communities leave an unmet and essential human need
- to be accepted into a group.
Scientists believe that homesickness is linked to the
attachment mechanism, and when a person moves, they
suffer similarly to a romantic breakup. The consequences
of homesickness can be serious - intrusive memories,
anxiety, and even physical health problems.
Immigrants can find themselves in a vicious circle: on the one
hand, they want to preserve their native culture and traditions,
and on the other hand, they need to adapt to local norms
and customs. This condition is called acculturation stress.
Why does it occur?
Difficulties with adaptation in a new country
The mental state of an immigrant worsens because they
often find themselves in complete isolation and are
disconnected from society. Sometimes newcomers are not
arrived earlier. Loneliness and detachment from
accepted, not only by locals but also by migrants who
communities leave an unmet and essential human need
- to be accepted into a group.
Difficulties with adaptation
Scientists believe that homesickness is linked to the
attachment mechanism, and when a person moves, they
suffer similarly to a romantic breakup. The consequences
of homesickness can be serious - intrusive memories,
anxiety, and even physical health problems.
Immigrants can find themselves in a vicious circle:
on the one hand, they want to preserve their native
culture and traditions, and on the other hand, they need
to adapt to local norms and customs. This condition
is called acculturation stress.
Maintain your identity
While adapting to a new culture, accept the fact that you
possible for quick integration. But you don't need to.
will never become 100% local, even if you do everything
Join a local sports club, find a new hobby - all of these
can be mechanisms to help you communicate
with different people.
Expand your social circle
and efficiency.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle
sleep deprivation can affect your energy levels
Sleep is necessary for good mental health. Regular
If your sense of home disappeared the moment you left
your residence, try to fill this emptiness. Make a rented
apartment or hotel room cozy by placing a few photos
Give new meaning to the word "home"
of your family or mementos from your previous home.
It's important to remember
that the feeling of not fitting in is temporary
Start creating coziness at home right now.
You can rearrange items.
Migrants begin to adapt to their new home and understand what
to expect from their environment after six months to a year.
All life'stwists and turns are surmountable, and none of them are eternal.
Migrants begin to adapt to their new home
and understand what to expect from their environment
after six months to a year. All life'stwists and turns
are surmountable, and none of them are eternal.
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